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Upcoming Krewe Events
Feb. 8 - Marionettes Ball "A Wicked Good Time in the Emerald City" at Pensacola Yacht Club, starting at 6:30pm. This is a fabulous evening of dinner, live band, dancing and wonderful friends. You don't want to miss this! No charge for members, but reservations required. Your Plus One (spouse, partner, friend) costs $65. Additional guests will be accepted after Jan. 20 at a rate of $85 per person as space allows - first paid/first served - send $$ on Zelle to or mail to Danita (1530 E. Blount St., Pensacola 32503). Cash bar - formal - colors are black, green and gold with a touch of pink.
Feb. 16 - Hat & Tutu Party at Anita Westafer's home (2-5pm). Make (or update) your purple hat for the parade. Make a tutu or decorate an umbrella. Or, just come and socialize (there will be some supplies available for bracelets and other projects). Snacks provided. This is a great way to continue the Mardi Gras celebration!
March 1 - Grand Mardi Gras Parade in Pensacola. Our very own all day Mardi Gras Party! Come to the Emmanuel-Sheppard-Condon parking lot on Spring Street in the morning. Get together with friends to decorate your tent (prizes to the winners!). Bring your beverages and some food to share (breakfast/lunch/snacks/sweets). Wear your hat and Mardi Gras attire - and bring plenty of beads and throws for the parade. We take a group picture and do a Second Line before the parade steps off at 2pm. You can ride on one of our floats if you pay your $75 fee by 1/20/2025. To walk beside the float, contact Carol Gross (850-572-7357). Come and "hang out" with us - even if you don't want to ride or walk, it's a wonderful day!
March 4 - Fat Tuesday Celebration at Seville Quarter.
March 7 - Westgate Parade - Come at 8am to decorate; parade rolls at 9:30.
Events from Other Krewes

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