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Upcoming Krewe Events


Feb. 8 - Marionettes Ball "A Wicked Good Time in the Emerald City" at Pensacola Yacht Club, starting at 6:30pm. This is a fabulous evening of  dinner, live band, dancing and wonderful friends. You don't want to miss this! No charge for members, but reservations required. Your Plus One (spouse, partner, friend) costs $65. Additional guests will be accepted after Jan. 20 at a rate of $85 per person as space allows - first paid/first served - send $$ on Zelle to or mail to Danita (1530 E. Blount St., Pensacola 32503). Cash bar - formal - colors are black, green and gold with a touch of pink. 
Feb. 16 - Hat & Tutu Party at Anita Westafer's home (2-5pm). Make (or update) your purple hat for the parade. Make a tutu or decorate an umbrella. Or, just come and socialize (there will be some supplies available for bracelets and other projects). Snacks provided. This is a great way to continue the Mardi Gras celebration!
March 1 - Grand Mardi Gras Parade in Pensacola. Our very own all day Mardi Gras Party! Come to the Emmanuel-Sheppard-Condon parking lot on Spring Street in the morning. Get together with friends to decorate your tent (prizes to the winners!). Bring your beverages and some food to share (breakfast/lunch/snacks/sweets). Wear your hat and Mardi Gras attire - and bring plenty of beads and throws for the parade. We take a group picture and do a Second Line before the parade steps off at 2pm. You can ride on one of our floats if you pay your $75 fee by 1/20/2025. To walk beside the float, contact Carol Gross (850-572-7357). Come and "hang out" with us - even if you don't want to ride or walk, it's a wonderful day!
March 4 - Fat Tuesday Celebration at Seville Quarter.
March 7 - Westgate Parade - Come at 8am to decorate; parade rolls at 9:30.

Events from Other Krewes


Events at Angie's Store - Unique Boutique

Unique Boutique Feb 13.jpg
Unique Boutique Feb 18.jpg

Community Events


Want to learn more about the women's sufferage movement? Come to the Choral Society "Still Rising" concert on March 28 or 29 and hear narration and songs from about 70 women (our men get to sing on a few songs too, but it's mainly just us girls!) Tickets available on Purple Pass

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